A distributed cache is like a shared memory storage spread across multiple computers in a network. It helps speed up data access by storing frequently used information closer to where it's needed, reducing the need to fetch it from a central database, making applications faster and more responsive.
- Cache Aside
- The application first checks the cache
- If data is found in the cache, it's a cache hit and data is returned to the client.
- If data is not found in the cache, it's cache miss. The application fetches the data from DB, stores it in the cache and data is returned to the client.

- A good approach for heavy read applications.
- Even if the cache is down, the request will not fail as it will fetch the data from DB.
- Cache document data structure can be different than the data present in DB.
- For new data read, there will always be cache miss first.
- There is a chance of inconsistency between cache and DB if we do not use appropriate caching during write operation.
- Read Through Cache
- The application first checks the cache
- If data is found in the cache, it's a cache hit and data is returned to the client.
- If data is not found in the cache, it's cache miss. Cache fetches the data from DB, stores it back to the cache and data is returned to the application server.

- A good approach for heavy read applications.
- Logic of fetching data from DB and updating cache is not inside the app server.
- For new data read, there will always be cache miss first.
- There is a chance of inconsistency between cache and DB if we do not use appropriate caching during write operation.
- Cache document data structure should be same as the DB table.
- Write Around Cache
- Directly writes data into the DB.
- It does not update the data in the cache, it invalidates the data.

- A good approach for heavy read applications.
- Resolves inconsistency problem between cache and DB.
- For new data read, there will always be cache miss first.
- If DB is down write operation will fail.
- Write Through Cache
- First, write data into the Cache.
- Then synchronously write data into DB.

- Cache and DB always remain consistent.
- Cache hit chance increases a lot.
- It requires some caching technique for read (Cache Aside/Read through). Alone It's not useful as it increases latency for write operation.
- 2 phase commit is required to maintain transactional property. If both cache and DB write successful then the transaction is successful otherwise we need to roll back the transaction.
- If DB is down write operation will fail.
- Write Back (Write Behind) Cache
- First, write data into the Cache.
- Then Asynchronously write data into DB.

- Good for write heavy applications.
- Improves the write operation latency as writing into DB happens asynchronously.
- Cache hit chance increases a lot.
- Gives much better performance when it is used with Read Through cache.
- Even when DB failure happens, write operation still works.
- If data is removed from the cache and DB writes still do not happen, then there is a chance of an issue. (It is handled by keeping TTL of cache a little higher)