The Adapter Design Pattern is a structural design pattern used to enable communication between two incompatible interfaces. It allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together by providing a bridge between them.

5 real world example of Adapter Design Pattern
Power Adapter: Power adapter allows devices with different power requirements or plug types to connect to a power source.
File Format Converter: An adapter can convert data between different file formats, such as converting XML to JSON or vice versa.
Language Translator: An adapter can be used to translate text or speech from one language to another, making it compatible with different language processing systems.
Display Adapter: Display adapters convert the output signal from a computer’s graphics card into a format compatible with a display device, such as HDMI to VGA.
Database Adapter: When switching between different database systems, an adapter can be used to translate database-specific queries and operations to a common interface.

// Existing interface
public interface FahrenheitSensor {
double getTemperatureInFahrenheit();
// Concrete implementation of Existing interface
public class RealFahrenheitSensor implements FahrenheitSensor {
public double getTemperatureInFahrenheit() {
// Simulated temperature reading in Fahrenheit
return 98.6; // Normal body temperature
// Adapter Interface
public interface TemperatureSensorAdapter {
double getTemperatureInCelsius();
// Implementation of the Adapter interface
public class TemperatureSensorAdapterImpl implements TemperatureSensorAdapter {
private FahrenheitSensor fahrenheitSensor;
public TemperatureSensorAdapterImpl(FahrenheitSensor fahrenheitSensor) {
this.fahrenheitSensor = fahrenheitSensor;
public double getTemperatureInCelsius() {
// Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
return (fahrenheitSensor.getTemperatureInFahrenheit() - 32) * 5 / 9;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Fahrenheit sensor
FahrenheitSensor fahrenheitSensor = new RealFahrenheitSensor();
// Create an adapter for Fahrenheit sensor
TemperatureSensorAdapter adapter = new TemperatureSensorAdapterImpl(fahrenheitSensor);
// Get temperature in Celsius using the adapter
double temperatureInCelsius = adapter.getTemperatureInCelsius();
System.out.println("Temperature in Celsius: " + temperatureInCelsius);